Using Tung Oil On Kitchen Cabinets. Your friends were right about polyurethane over tung oil - it won't work, but standard varnish will. Myths and Facts About Tung Oil.

The deep-amber color of these oils amplifies the effect.
Can you use tung oil on kitchen cabinets?
For surface-sealed wood, covered with a varnish or polyurethane, you can use an oil to make it shine. Apply a small amount of oil to the cloth then apply by rubbing along the grain of the wood. Hi Ginnie, give the entire set a wipe down with a clean damp cloth to remove any dirt or grime, put on rubber gloves and grab a microfiber rag and pour some tung oil on it, rub it in going the same direction as the wood grain. let it dry, use superfine sand paper or steel wool and smooth it, if required apply another coat. please help me make a decision. i want to re-finish kitchen cabinets that are a little dry and some of the bottom cabinets by the sink have white horizontal lines (i guess from water). also they lack patina. i have read so much about watco danish oil and howard restor-a-finish that they both sound good (this is my first time doing something.